Tuan Chau Resort - Tuần Châu Group

Tuan Chau Resort

Tuan Chau Resort is a famous destination in Ha Long Bay, located on Tuan Chau island, about 10 km from Ha Long city center. With luxurious and classy architecture, this resort offers an ideal resort space with fully equipped rooms and villas, immersing yourself in the mysterious beauty of Ha Long Bay. Guests can enjoy recreational activities such as taking a tour of the bay, relaxing at the private beach, or enjoying culinary specialties at the resort’s restaurant. This is the ideal location for those who want to enjoy a memorable and relaxing vacation amidst wonderful natural space.

Rooms and Resort Villas

Including luxurious rooms and villas, fully equipped, creating conditions for visitors to have a comfortable and convenient stay.

Recreational activities

Includes tours of Ha Long Bay, sea activities such as surfing, scuba diving, kayak racing, as well as fun land activities such as visiting flower gardens, fishing, golf…

Culinary services

Includes restaurants and bars serving a variety of local and international dishes, ensuring guests have a diverse and enriching culinary experience.

Tuần Châu Hạ Long1900 9388 Tuần Châu Hà Nội1900 555 516